My Mental Health Is Getting Worse: What do I do?

My Mental Health Is Getting Worse

If you’re thinking, “My mental health is getting worse,” you may be concerned and unsure what to do about it. But if something feels off, don’t ignore it. When you don’t feel like yourself for more than two weeks, it can be a sign of an underlying issue. Below you will learn more about the common signs it’s time to seek help as well more information about an accredited recovery center in Florida. You don’t have to struggle alone. Get in touch with a mental health professional today to start your recovery journey.

Is My Mental Health Getting Worse?

What do I do if My Mental Health Is Getting Worse?

Not every symptom of a mental health concern is the result of a mental health disorder. Some symptoms can be the result of physical health conditions, an injury, or diet. However, getting to the bottom of your problems may require a physician or mental health professional. You may question the severity of your symptoms or struggle to explain them, which can make it difficult to decide when it’s time to seek help from a healthcare professional. But if you feel like something is wrong, it’s important to find the cause.

Below is a list of common symptoms that are often a sign it’s time to seek help. Although every disorder is characterized by diverse symptoms that vary from person to person, these general symptoms are often the first noticeable symptoms of declining mental health.

1. Mood Swings

It’s not uncommon to feel irritated or sad after a bad day. But when you begin to feel more easily irritated, angry, or sad, seemingly without reason, it may be a sign that something is off. Worsening depression symptoms, medication side effects, and other behavioral health challenges can lead to uncontrollable mood swings. This is often one of the first signs that you may need to check in with a professional.

2. Disrupted Sleeping Patterns

Sleeping is essential for your mind and body. Your sleep habits impact your immune system, appetite, cardiovascular health, and stress levels. A lack of sleep not only damages many of the body’s essential functions, but can decrease brain performance and cause low moods. If you struggle with low moods and low energy levels despite getting an adequate amount of sleep each night, you may be experiencing symptoms of depression or anxiety.

Depressive episodes can be the result of an anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, or major depressive disorder (depression). Individuals with these disorders often experience disrupted sleeping patterns because of other symptoms. Moreover, if you find yourself needing less sleep than usual, feeling powerful and invincible, and becoming more impulsive, you may be experiencing a manic episode.

Whether you’re sleeping too much or too little, it may be a sign of a bigger issue.

3. Isolating From Friends and Family

Spending time alone can be a form of self-care. It can help you recharge your social battery or dedicate time to your favorite hobbies. But isolating yourself from friends and family members can indicate a problem beyond needing some space. Social connection is good for brain health by improving mood, and promoting a sense of safety. However, if you feel unlike yourself, it may be difficult to spend time with loved ones. Wanting less social contact than usual can be a sign of worsening mental health in combination with other symptoms.

4. Feeling Disconnected From Reality

If your depression is getting worse, you may be ruminating on a thought or sting of thoughts without being able to stop. Rumination is also a symptom of anxiety disorders including obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Having the same thoughts over and over, especially those that cause emotional discomfort can affect your ability to process your emotions. These thoughts can also cause you to feel isolated or disconnected from reality.

Delusions and hallucinations can also cause you to feel disconnected from reality. Individuals can experience delusions or hallucinations as a result of mental health disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, a substance use disorder, as well as some physical health conditions. Delusions and hallucinations can leave you feeling disconnected from reality in a way that can be scary or dangerous. If you feel out of touch with reality, you should immediately seek help from a mental health professional.

5. Using Alcohol or Drugs to Cope

Individuals struggling with a mental health condition are at a high risk of misusing alcohol and drugs to cope with their symptoms. While it may provide temporary relief from a variety of symptoms, it can worsen pre-existing symptoms or cause new ones. On the other hand, individuals struggling with drug or alcohol addiction can develop a mental health condition as a result of their substance use. Mental health and substance use disorder share many of the same underlying causes which frequently leads to a dual diagnosis of both a mental health condition and addiction.

What to do if My Mental Health Is Getting Worse

What to do if My Mental Health Is Getting Worse

If you’re asking yourself, “What do I do if my mental health is getting worse?”, the first step is to seek help from a healthcare professional. A mental health professional can evaluate your symptoms and provide you with a diagnosis. From here, you can take the steps you need to manage your mental health problems. Keep in mind that it’s never too late to seek help to improve your mental health. Contact a mental health treatment center today to find the right treatment options for your symptoms.

Some of the evidence-based treatment methods provided at Springbrook Behavioral Hospital include:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Group therapy
  • Family therapy
  • Supplemental therapy
  • Medication management

Don’t be discouraged if you’re struggling to find the answers alone. Our experienced psychiatrists, therapists, addiction specialists, and the rest of our staff will help you recover through a combination of these treatment modalities. Your treatment plan is designed according to your symptoms and recovery goals to be the most effective. Patients struggling with treatment-resistant depression and other disorders that can be more difficult to treat can find the support they need as they work with their care team to find the best plan for long-term symptom management. Our residential program provides the safety and structure you need to return to a healthy state of mind.

Where to Go if My Mental Health Is Getting Worse

Springbrook Behavioral Hospital provides adults with comprehensive treatment to help them manage their mental health. If you’re experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, our licensed staff provides mental health, addiction, and crisis care services through individualized patient plans. With our 24-hour psychiatric services, you don’t have to start recovery alone.

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